We are Aggressive Negotiation, a tournament D6 Paintball Team. We are a member of the Eastern Paintball League (EPL) Mid Atlantic division. 

We are made up of Service members, their families and friends. We donate any winnings to the Wounded Warrior Project in Ft Meade, Maryland. Last year a local company donated to the WWP in our name to show support for our veterans and our team.

We will be playing at all Mid Atlantic events this year. Our schedule is to the right.


Jason Delawder                                                                     Braxton Sult
Age: 36                                                                                   Age: 17
Position: mid/front, Co Captain                                            Position: mid/back, Co Captain
Years playing: 20+                                                                 Years playing: 4

Patrick Lacey                                                                         Nick VanRensselaer
Age: 16                                                                                   Age: 19
Position: front/mid                                                                 Position: back
Years playing: 4                                                                     Years playing: 3

Brian Sult                                                                              Nick Delawder
Age: 44                                                                                 Age: 15
Position: coach                                                                    Position: Back
Years playing: 4                                                                    Years Playing: 3

Our Training Roster is designed to ensure we will continue to be able to be competitive for years to come. We train all of our younger players to ensure proper sportsmanship and skill. Our goal is to be able to field more than one team as our original players move up in division.


Patrick Wetzelberger                                                           
Age: 17                                                                                 
Position: back/training                                                          
Years playing: 2                                                                     

Nathan VanRenesselaer
Age: 16
Position: training
Years playing: 2

Aggressive Negotiation | 443.965.8181 | aggressive_negotiation@ymail.com
Beltway Challenge: April 21 @ PAP
Free State Classic: June 2 @ Southern Maryland Paintball
Snoke Memorial Cup: July 7 @ PAP
Mid-Atlantic Takedown: August 11 @ PAP
East Coast Cup: September 28-29 @ PAP